Monday, February 6, 2012

Hide your Fourolds

Andy Lamarche    1/26/12
Newspaper   Humanities

Hide you Fourolds
By: Andy lamarche
Revoluion Times October 20, 1966

Beijing- Last week Mao Zedong called for the Red guards to destroy the four-olds on a national level.  Many homes have been searched for fourolds and has many running scared.

This was all part of Chairman Mao Zedong's plan for a fully communist nation. the fourolds consisted of old habits, old ideas, old customs and old culture.  Mao felt that the fourolds must be destroyed to push China into the future.

The searches have been going on for the past week or so and many are feeling violated by the Red Guards.  Coming in without warning and trashing homes in search of four olds.   The pressure is definitely mounting because many people have been arrested and many even committing suicide.

One eyewitness named Ming Lin-Lin said "I'm not scared.  The Red guards have gone too far and I'm the last line of defense."  Ming Lin-Lin refused a house search and paid the price.  He is not afraid of letting his name known because he will die for what he feels is right.  Last week Ming's home was searched and the Red Guards arrested him for suspicion of counterrevolutionism.  This was for refusal to let Red Guards in and take over pictures of his grandmother.  After a week of torturings and confessing Ming was set free but still feels strongly about his choices and actions.
More searches are still approaching to those who haven't met face to face with the Red Guards, but many know it's only a matter of time.


Andy lamarche   1/31/12
Editorial  Humanities

The four olds are holding us back!  Let Mao Zedong continue his work and continue home searches.  It is the only way to fully remodel society.  The complainers are the guilty ones.  Home searches must continue.  It will push China into a better state.  Many others are strongly dedicated to the cause.

Home searches are the most effective way of destroying fourolds.  If you attack the enemy at a personal level they are more likely to remodel themselves.   Home searches also single out rightists and counterrevolutionaires and helps bring justice to them.  Those who are accused will be hit right at home and will feel violated and humiliated.  The way we want them to feel.

Although home searches traget innocent people and not recover much it is the price to pay for a successful nation.  the only way to make a fully communist country is to destroy the fourolds closest to the bad guys in the situation.  Stopping the searches will hurt the Communists because rightist aren't brought to justice.

Mao Zedong is pushing China into the future.  His Red Guards are helping his success.   Without destroying the fourolds enemies will sill be feeling goood enough to continue their work.  This must be stopped.

Revolution Map

Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad
 This Map shows China during the time of the Cultural Revolution. China’s capital was Beijing and still is today. Bordering countries include Mongolia, North Korea, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Tajikistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam. China is located in the Eastern Hemisphere and it is home to many Rivers and deserts. Some including the Gobi and Taklimakan deserts. Also Yellow and Yangtze rivers.

Little Red Book

            Before the Cultural Revolution many Chinese belief systems flourish included Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, etc.  When Mao Zedong introduced the Cultural Revolution in 1965 he put a stop to all religion and made the people look to him as the greatest leader or even a god. Also during this time Mao Zedong ordered that the red guards were to destroy anything to do with old china. This included the belief systems. In one case almost all Buddhist statues were destroyed along with over 6,000 monasteries in Tibet. Many agree that the Cultural Revolution was one of the darkest times for culture and religion.

Mao is God

                  Before the Cultural Revolution many Chinese belief systems flourish included Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, etc.  When Mao Zedong introduced the Cultural Revolution in 1965 he put a stop to all religion and made the people look to him as the greatest leader or even a god. Also during this time Mao Zedong ordered that the red guards were to destroy anything to do with old china. This included the belief systems. In one case almost all Buddhist statues were destroyed along with over 6,000 monasteries in Tibet. Many agree that the Cultural Revolution was one of the darkest times for culture and religion.

Communist Colors


            During the Cultural Revolution there was one style of art that was popular and that agreed with chairman Mao’s thoughts and Ideas. This new Style included red and black colors to symbolize the communist party and many featured chairman Mao or other things associated with communism. This new style had to be introduced because all others works were destroyed that had to do with the old ways of life. Also the new style promoted the communists and made the people believe that the party was a good thing through propaganda posters and others works of art. Chairman Mao encouraged artists to write or draw in this style with also made it so popular.

A Turn For The Worst

               What happened to the days when grandma would make fresh rolls and mother would make her famous caps for me? What happened to the crisp breeze that would roll in through the wide open windows during the day? Because I am surely missing them. Today my 3 story apartment building was searched by the Red guards. I’ve never been so nervous in my life. I’ve heard the stories and sadly something very bad has happened to my family. This afternoon the Red guards took my mother away and trashed my home taking many of my family’s valuables even knocking over my fish bowl which made my whole room smell like a pond. This has left me and my family in shock for the past couple of hours and I don’t know if some of my family members can handle the pressure anymore.

                                                                                                                 Ming Ji-Fu